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what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

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Old 09-23-2005, 06:31 AM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: California
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Default RE: what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

I think you could take the power back, but it will not happen all at once (and that's what's expected). If I could reliably run a car on water (not like the old steam engines), I'd do it.......sometimes , but we need people to invest in the technology. Oil companies will try to stop it, but true progress can not be stopped forever. The higher gas prices get, the more they push people to explore alternative sources of power.....but that's just my two cents.

....3 dollars a gallon is still cheap compared to prices in other countries.....[sm=smiley5.gif]
Old 09-26-2005, 09:59 PM
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Default RE: what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

Absolutely! It's just going to take a concerted effort and a little education. Like us talking about it here. People will find out that there are alternatives. Good, well proven ones. And maybe the oil companies will see that they don't have to lose all their power either. Hey, they've got all the money so why not let them do a major portion of the research and development. Then, maybe over a 20/30 year we get our country switched over to hydrogen and the oil companies can convert over to being the big hydrogen suppliers for cars, trains, aircraft, busses, etc. That way they won't lose all the power they so desperately want, people don't lose all their jobs and we still get the benefits of hydrogen. I know that still leaves them in control but hey, it'd be better then nothing.

So what do you think?
Old 09-27-2005, 06:14 PM
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Default RE: what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

an oil company will NEVER try to help the effort to do away with the gasoline combustion engine...for the same reason that there will never be a cure for cancer, because too many greedy *** doctors make millions a year off of cancer, so why would they WANT to cure it?
Old 09-27-2005, 06:56 PM
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Default RE: what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

Yeah Patrick, I fear you're right. They won't do it voluntarily so like you said, it'll probably have to be a Gov't mandate or something. (so let's get on with it!!!) Too bad it always seems to come down to that. Forcing people (corporations, whatever) to do the right thing. But I guess that's what greed does huh. And sad too because it doesn't have to be that way. If they would even just start the ball rolling they would come out looking like Superman you know. The saviors of the world!!! (OK, maybe just the good guys) Oh well, I don't suppose I'll hold my breath. Better to just keep working on converting my little truck to hydrogen.
Old 09-28-2005, 06:45 PM
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Default RE: what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

i was told that there is a company in California that has already developed a very high performance hydrogen based was my understanding that either steve saleen or carroll shelby let them use his name on it...and it made something like 400whp, and run in the 11 or 12 second range...there are evidently quite a few "hydrogen fueling stations" nationwide already...
Old 09-28-2005, 07:22 PM
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Default RE: what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

Great! I'll have to look into that. Hope this is the beginning. And you know... I always liked Shelbys!
400 hp, yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 10-15-2005, 12:58 AM
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Default RE: what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

I think that hydrogen cars need to be brought about sooner than they're being allowed to be. The reasoning behind this is simple:

1) Hydrogen cars have been proven to put out bare trace ammounts if not none in harmful emissions, and if we start pushing for them to be put out now, we can reverse the damage we're doing to our atmosphere AND planet sooner.

2) The oil companies have been cracking down on putting out hydrogen cars because it would put them out of business and, in fact, it's been rumored that some people have been killed over it. The oil companies are the most greedy, power-mongering organizations in existence simply because they have control over the world. Since we are totally dependent on them putting out oil & gas, they have that control. They have us in their vice-grips, and they can chose to raise gas prices, REGARDLESS OF HOW MUCH IN PROFITS THEY STILL GET. One example is how they used Hurricanes Katrina & Rita as excuses to raise the prices to the levels they're at now, and will continue to try to find excuses to raise prices. They're currently making record profits right now by squeezing us more for our hard earned dollars that we cannot afford. THEY however can afford to keep prices low considering how much they make as well as how much they bank. One thing that's been speculated is that the oil companies themselves are trying to make it more expensive for hydrogen powered cars to be manufactured, as well as them slowing down the process of researching the technology for hydrogen powered cars. If we started pushing for hydrogen cars NOW we'd be able to bring them down to the level they need to be. All we'd need them for is lubrication.

3) Some research has been done from what I've read that hydrogen cars may also produce trace ammounts of ozone as a byproduct of the combustion of the hydrogen. If this is in fact a true possiblity then we may be able to repair even the ozone itself, and reverse the effect of the polar ice caps melting, considering the huge hole in the ozone that is currently floating above parts of Antartica.

4) Pushing out hydrogen fuels will help out with fuel costs dramatically. There's been cars converted to run off of tap water that costs $.05 a gallon and purified water that's about $.30 a gallon. Compared to fuel costs today being $2.65 & up to $3.00 a gallon, that's exponential savings. If people started working together to try and speed up the process of researching & developing & producing hydrogen fueled cars, or pushing conversion kits that'll pay for themselves in fuel savings, we could see dramatic changes in our world sooner than we think. Hopeully in our lifetimes.

5) Pushing the development of hydrogen fueled cars & conversion kits will not only save people money, but could also help to create more jobs in our country. If we start moving forward on this we could see jobs opening up for plants that process hydrogen for storage & transport for hydrogen fueling stations, & then for those to build & maintain the fueling stations, and then for the new factories that will build the cars, and for the factories that build the conversion kits....the list can go on and on. Not to mention the fact that pushing for hydrogen will also unlock new areas of technology that we could see coming sooner than most would think. Imagine hydrogen powered planes, or even the concept of hydrogen fusion generators for space shuttles or space stations, or even transports that could carry us to other planets in our solar system. I know that this all sounds like science fiction, but the contept for all of this is more realistic than most think. I myself have come up with my own idea of a possible nearly endless supply of energy that is all based around a groundbreaking fuel......water. Water is the most important thing for life to funtion....and soon....if people become more aware of the concepts & possibilities, it could lead to a new geration for our planet to come.

Thats all I have to say.
Old 10-17-2005, 04:31 PM
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Default RE: what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

very well put, joe, but like the president or not, with someone in the white house who's hand is in the pocket of the oil industry, it will never happen.
Old 10-17-2005, 06:28 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Default RE: what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

Agree with you completly Joe. Remember, yesterdays' science fiction is todays reality. With Orville and Wilbur Wright, some people thought, "Fly like a bird!?! ha, ha, ha, ha..." Now we have things like the SST" Go to the moon they said... etc. Unfortunately, I also agree with Patrick. Until we get someone/someones in Govt. that are on our side... lots a luck. So, don't let this be all you have to say about it. Keep on pushing when ever, where ever you can. If nothing else, convert your own car!
Old 11-08-2005, 03:54 PM
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Default RE: what do you think about hydrogen cars ?

The president of own united states unfortunately is a powerful man, and when hurricane katrina hit he took it too far and suspended the jones act, which basically says that oil (as well as other products) has to brought in by americans, but since our economy heavily relies on the price of a barrel, he lined his pockets and "solved" a crisis at the same time. what people fail to realize that he has yet to fully re-instate this policy and american companies are losing out and that is why oil prices are still high. I'm down for a revolution.

go hydrogen.

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